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Home > Athlete Safety > For Administrators > Managing Coaches > Compliance Tracking > How can I tell if a member has submitted a background check?
How can I tell if a member has submitted a background check?
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As an admin, you will be able to view the completion progress as a % for each of your coaches, volunteers, officials, etc. By clicking on the "BG Checks" tab on a user profile, you'll have visibility into more specific details about the user's progress.





When a background check is submitted, it will take approximately 3-5 business days on average for it to fully process (this can be shorter or longer is various use cases). Because of this, the completion percentage is represented slightly differently, as follows:


  • 0% complete: the user has not started the background check forms 
  • 1-49% complete: the user has started the background check form, but has not finished submitting it
  • 50% complete: you should see an "Applied at" date at this point, as the user has submitted the background check and it is in processing with the screening provider
  • 100% complete: this means the background check has processed; you should see an "Applied at" date, an "Expires at" date, and an Order status of "Ready." if necessary, you can download a copy of the background check report by clicking the green down arrow icon

**Note: if you are an admin with Read Only access, you will not be able to download or view a copy of the background check report





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