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How do I get a discount code for my background check?
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Background screens may require payment from the user logging in, or they may be paid for by the organization/association you or your team is a part of.


If you believe you should have a discount code to apply towards your background check payment, or if you are unsure, STOP before submitting your background check and reach out your your organization administrator for clarification.


If you are required to pay for a background check, you will be prompted automatically to do so. Once all required forms have been completed for the background check you will be prompted with a payment screen prior to being able to submit.




To apply a discount code, enter the code provided by your administrator into the discount code box in the left panel, and click "Apply." Discount codes are case sensitive, so ensure you are entering it exactly as it was provided to you. 



**Discount codes may be for a dollar amount OR percentage off of the balance due. Most often the discount is 100%, but questions about the amount of the discount applied should directed to your organization administrator.

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